Liliya Rogova Tippetts Is Democratizing Fashion with Porterium

Fashion has long been considered an exclusive club reserved for those with full pockets or connections to the industry. The affluent are considered ‘eligible’ to drive fashion trends while the less privileged ones have little to no say. But why should the fashion landscape be that way? Why can’t everyone have a seat at the table and participate in the wonderful world of fashion? That’s where the concept of democratizing fashion comes in.

Democratizing fashion means making it accessible to everyone, regardless of where they live or how much money they have. It’s about breaking down barriers and allowing people from all walks of life to express themselves through clothing and style.

So, let’s discuss in detail why fashion experience should be made accessible. And for this discussion, we’ll be sharing insights from a fashion and tech entrepreneur with 20 years of brand-building experience, Liliya RogovaTippetts.

Liliya believes there are several reasons why democratizing is necessary for the growth of the fashion industry. Let’s talk about a few.

Boosting creativity:

One of the main reasons why fashion experience should be democratized is because it fosters creativity and self-expression. When more people have access to fashion, it opens up a world of possibilities for experimentation and individuality. It allows a space for new ideas to grow, new themes to be explored, and new trends to enter the market.

Driving Individualism:

It also upholds the idea of individualism. Instead of being limited to what’s available in their local stores or what they can afford, people can draw inspiration from a wide range of sources and create looks that are uniquely their own.

Enhancing Diversity:

Democratizing fashion promotes inclusivity and diversity as well. Traditionally, the fashion industry has been criticized for its lack of representation and tendency to cater to a narrow standard of beauty. By making fashion more accessible, we can empower people of all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds to participate and feel represented. This not only helps to break down harmful stereotypes but also celebrates the beauty of diversity.

Supporting Local Businesses:

Moreover, democratizing fashion has the potential to boost local economies and support small businesses. When people are able to buy and sell clothing online or in their communities, it creates opportunities for entrepreneurs and artisans to thrive. This is especially important in regions where traditional industries may be struggling, as fashion can provide a much-needed economic lifeline.

Of course, democratizing fashion is easier said than done. It requires a shift in mindset and a willingness to challenge the status quo. And that’s exactly what Liliya aims to set an example of with Porterium.

Porterium is a digital marketplace designed to make fashion and art more accessible for both brands and customers. Bringing in the decentralization concepts of Web 3 gives customers a greater say in all aspects of their shopping experience, from pricing and payments to product comparisons and authenticity.

Plus, being a digital hub for fashion meccas like Dubai and Paris, it provides brands with greater reach and customer engagement. And with its NFT stores, metaverse, and other virtual reality options, it makes the fashion experience easily accessible for people worldwide.

On the ending note, fashion should be for everyone, not just the elite few. By democratizing fashion, we can unlock its full potential as a source of creativity, self-expression, and empowerment. Such a space won’t just respect customer’s opinions more, but it will also help emerging brands showcase their offering on a level playing field.

So, let’s tear down the barriers and make fashion accessible to all. After all, style knows no bounds.

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