Sonder Studio: Assisting Female Entrepreneurs in Becoming Passionate about Their Goals

Starting and growing a business is never easy, especially for women entrepreneurs. Navigating a highly competitive landscape while staying focused on goals can be an immense challenge. 

Studies have shown that women entrepreneurs face unique challenges such as gender bias, lack of funding, and social expectations, which can affect their confidence and passion for their business goals. Therefore, there is a need for female entrepreneurs to receive the necessary support and guidance to stay motivated and passionate about their missions and visions.

Sonder Studio is a business that assists female entrepreneurs build a community around them that gets it. Founded by Julia Hogarth, a creativity expert, coach, and activist for game-changing business women, Sonder Studio is a place where creators gather, offers coaching, content consulting, and workshops to help women trust in their offerings, upskill creatively, and get inspired to create their best work. 

At the core of  its philosophy lies a firm belief that every human holds within them the potential to create a profound impact on the world. With a focus on community-building, creative consulting, and activating women in their creative endeavors, Sonder Studio aims to help female entrepreneurs achieve their best work effortlessly. 

The Founder of Sonder Studio, Julia, has an impressive background, having transitioned from a librarian to a meditation teacher, and then to a coach and community builder. She has led hundreds of women in meditation and has coached hundreds more to help them build the most beautiful versions of their businesses. She has also built an online creative community called Create Club that inspires, motivates, and engages women in building their own empires.

Sonder Studio is the realization of the bigger vision of this all. The goal of Sonder Studio is to help women make bold and beautiful changes in their working lives, to lean into their ability to create exactly what they want to create, and to thrive while doing it. While in all of this, Julia plays a key role, helping women feel and do good through meditation and creative coaching.

If you’re a female entrepreneur looking to become passionate about your mission and vision, Sonder Studio is the perfect place for you. With Julia’s guidance, you’ll learn to trust in your offerings, upskill creatively, and get inspired to create your best work.

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