Did Ark One make it to the planet in The Ark Season 1 finale?

Did Ark One make it to the planet in The Ark Season 1 finale?

In the season 1 finale of The Ark, Ark One’s mission was to reach a planet that was believed to be capable of sustaining life. However, the crew faced numerous challenges along the way, including threats to their survival and the revelation that they had been attacked by Ark Fifteen.

Despite the obstacles, Ark One refused to give up on their mission and fought back against Maddox and her crew. In the end, a ceasefire was established with the promise that both Ark One and Ark Fifteen could land on the planet once it was made habitable by William Trust.

As for whether Ark One ultimately made it to the planet, the finale did not provide a clear answer. It’s possible that this will be explored in future seasons of the show.

Did Ark One get to the planet in The Ark Season 1 finale?

Despite Trust’s plan to bring down Ark Fifteen, Sharon and other crew members intervened, not wanting innocent lives to be lost.

Did Ark One make it to the planet in The Ark Season 1 finale?

Eventually, the planet they had been striving to reach exploded, causing debris to hit Ark One and resulting in massive damage to the ship. It’s unclear whether everyone outside of the Bridge survived the impact.

In a desperate move, Sharon sought Maddox’s help to save the crew of Ark One. Ultimately, Sharon chose to save Ark Fifteen, and they agreed to send shuttles to rescue those on board Ark One and assess the situation.

This sets the stage for the second season of The Ark, where we’ll find out the fate of the crew and how they will move forward after the devastating events that transpired in the season one finale.

What did you think of The Ark Season 1 finale? What are the options now? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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